Becoming a Notary-Indiana

Published on 9 July 2022 at 19:41
How I became a Notary- Indiana

I Love Being A Notary Public. I Get Asked All The Time Though, How Do You Become A Notary? Do You Enjoy Going To Peoples Houses To Close Loans? Does It Pay Very Well? So I Am Going To Tell You My Experiences, Thoughts And Advise. There Are Many Other Ways I’m Sure To Do Things But This Is My Experience On What I Did To Do What I Do.

  What To Do:  I Usually Tell People To Become A Notary Public Either Go To Your States, Secretary Of State Web Site and search Notary application Or Just Google, How To Become A Notary, And Fill Out The Application. There Is A Fee For The Application. Every State Has Their Own Laws Also So I’m Writing On Indiana’s Laws Since This Is Where I’m Commissioned. You Will Have To Get Bonded Also. There Are Many Ways To Do This. One Way Is To Just Call Up Your Insurance Company Where You Have Your Auto Insurance And Tell Them You Need To Get Bonded To Be A Notary. It Is A One Time Fee For Your Commission Period Which Is Eight Years And It’s At Least A $25,000 Bond. I Think I Paid $35. You Can Also Google, Get Bonded For Notary, And Many Places Will Pop Up And You Can Choose A Company That Way Also.    You Will Also Have To Get A Background Check. That Information On How To Do That Will Be Given To You During Your Application Process And That You Will Pay For Also. I Do Believe I Paid Somewhere Between $16-$35.    A Short Little Course Or Study Material Is Required Along With A Test, It’s Not Very Long, And I Can’t Remember What That Cost But It Wasn’t Much. That Also Is Given To You When Signing Up.    If Your In A State That Allows Remote Notarizations, Then You Can Also Apply For That Also The Same Place You Applied To Become A Notary. That Is Also Another Fee But Worth It!

  Becoming A Signing Agent:  In Order To Be A Signing Agent, In Indiana, You Have To Get Your Land Title Producers License. That Makes You Eligible To Close Loans And That Is Where Making The Money Is At. The Course Is On Sircon And I Took It Online. It Was A 10 Hr. Course And I Think It Was $375 But Trust Me, You’ll Make That Back Right Away! 

  Supplies And Necessities:  Now That I Have Told You Basically How To Become A Notary/Signing Agent, I Will Break Down The Necessities Of Doing Your Job.    Of Course You Can’t Order These Things Until You Have Been Approved Because You Will Need Your Commission Number. Again, You Can Google This Information Also But Later On I Will Tell You Who I Highly Recommend And Why So Keep Reading. 

  A Reliable Car. If Your Going To Be A Mobile Notary, You Are Going To Do A Lot Of Driving, A LOT!! 

A Good Printer/Scanner. You Will Be Printing A Lot And At Times You Will Have To Scan The Docs Back To The Company Before Mailing Them Off. When Looking For A Printer, Be Sure To See How Much Ink Costs If You Get An Ink Jet But Companies Prefer You Have A Laser Printer, Duel Trey. I Suggest, Don’t Just Look At The Printer Itself, Check Out The Cost Of The Accessories Also. 

A Laptop. You Can Use A Desk Top But Your Life Will Become So Much Simpler With A Lap Top. Mine Is A Lenovo ThinkPad VPro Gen 8. It’s Touch Screen, Which I Love, And Has A Built In Camera Just In Case You Decide To Do Remote Notarizations.  I Recommend Getting A Stamp Rather Than An Embosser. We Are In The Digital Days Now And If You Use An Embosser You Will Have To Either Buy Ink To Paint The Puff Or Use A Pencil And Shade Over The Puff And You Are Not Going To Have The Time For All That During A Loan Closing. 

 Tidbits Of Advise:  After You Get All Your Stuff Approved And Everything You Need, It’s Time To Market Yourself And Find Your Jobs. I Am Signed Up With Several Different Companies Online That I Will List, But This Is How It Works:    Lending Companies Look On These Sites Where Notaries Are Signed Up. They Will Send Out A Mass Text To Notaries In The Area There Is A Signing Available. You Will Get The Text With The Date, Location, Time, Fee And Type Of Signing. You Then Can Click On Accept, Decline Or Counter Offer. Some Companies Will Try To Low Ball You And as  Time Goes On and you get more experience, You Will Know The Type Of Loan Package Size And The Fee Is Not Worth What They Are Offering. Sometimes They Accept, Sometimes They Don’t But Don’t Ever Sell Yourself Short. I’ve Worked For Over 30 Companies And Have Learned A Lot About Each Company.

These Are The Places I Suggest To Sign Up On:               


Signing Order               

123 Notary               

Notary Rotary             

Service Link                                

Field Choice 

I Have Had A Ton Of Calls From Lawyers Offices For Signings Other Then Loan Signings That Found Me On 123 Notary And Those Tend To Pay Better Since They Are Coming Straight From The Source. 

Last Thoughts  I Use A Couple Very Useful Apps Also Such As Gas Buddy, Cam Scan And Notary Gadget. They Will Really Help You Out Keeping Track Of Gas And Mileage, Signing Details And A Scanner On Your Phone. This is not a get rich quick gig although you will see many ads and offers to sign up for their site because you can make a lot of money. Trust me, Don't do this!! Research first. So many of these companies or platforms are not worth paying to sign up with. Also, 95% of companies you get these signing jobs from pay net 30 or net 45. At first it is going to seem like you are dong all this work and paying for things you have to pay for in order to do this job but your not getting paid. Be patient, you will. And once you start getting checks, it seems they just keep coming if you do this regularly. The market fluctuates also so your going to have times your won't seem to ring and other times your turning down jobs because your booked. 

 It Might Sound Like A Lot To Do Or A Lot Of Information But Nothing In Life Is Handed To You. Trust Me Though, It All Goes Quicker Then It Sounds And You’ll Be Ready To Hit The Road Sooner Then You Think!     

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