Just a Little About Me

I’m Not Going To Write To Much About My Kids, The Love Of My Life, Because Frankly, It’s Just Like Every Story Of Every Mom That Writes About Her Kids. So Even Though I Obviously Think They Are The Best, I Won’t Bore You With How Wonderful They Are. But I Will Write Particular Incidents That Happen I Feel May Be Related To Social Or Life Issues That You Can Relate With.

I Will, However, Tell You Just A Little About Me. As You Can See From My Other Pages, I Am An Indiana Registered Notary Public. I Work For Myself And I Very Much Enjoy It. I Also Love To Wood Burn And Make Wreaths Or Other Pretty Things. Yes I’ve Had A Clock In And Out Job For Most Of My Life But For One; I’m Fortunate Enough To Be Able To Make My Own Schedule And Work When And If I Want And Two; My Health Has Caused Me To Not Be Able To Work An Everyday Eight Hour Shift.

I Have Lupus. Anyone With Lupus Or Knows Someone With Lupus Knows There Are Good Days And There Are Bad Days. It Attacked My Intestinal System And August 2021 I Had All My Large Intestines Removed. Recovery Has Been Great But Several Other Things Such As Eating, Has Been A Learning Process. I Also Have PTSD But I Don’t Let Things Take Over My World. I Always Say, “I Might Have Lupus, I Might Have PTSD, But It Doesn’t Have Me!!”

So That Is A Small Introduction And I Hope My Writings And Stories Might Inspire Someone Or Just Entertain Someone.


Gaslighting and Manipulation

I am sure many have heard of the term “gaslighting.” If you have then chances are, you have been this situation at some point. If you have not, please read on and there is a possibility you have or might be in this situation and it is a topic near and dear to my heart that everyone needs to learn about.

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Self Checkout- My Walmart experience

We live in a time when people are always in a hurry. The store is crowded with people with their carts overflowing. People are on their phones with a look of frustration peeking around the line to see how much the next person has, and kids are crying and screaming because they don't get what they want, or they've just been there for what seems like an eternity. In most cases, we avoid these lines because we are either in a hurry, want to avoid waiting, or simply do not want to stand and listen to the noise. Let me share my story with you.

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POA Explained-Indiana

First of all I want to start off by saying, I am not an attorney. This article is from my own research, what I have learned from being an Indiana Notary and what I have learned from getting my Paralegal degree. You can look up any information to verify its contents.

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Why I decided to become a Paralegal

Sometimes I think, if I told a person that I just met, my story of all my life events, they would think I was just a person with a ridiculously huge imagination. But that is far from the truth. Life is your biggest lesson. Experiences run hand in hand with life lessons. I have had too many to mention however, the latest instances are what really inspired me. I will go into more detail about each one in future posts but here is a sum up of why I decided to learn more about law.

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#LIFE With Gage

Gage is my son and is one of the most wittiest, funniest people I know. I've had many tell me they stop scrolling on Facebook when they see a #LIFEWITHGAGE moment. I'm going to post them here in my blog and if you need a good chuckle for the day, stop and read a few. Enjoy!!

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Needed Pellet Rifle Laws- Town Ordinance

When I go to bed at night, I'm out cold for the night. I have a sleeping disorder so I take sleeping pills just so I can go to sleep. I'm not the best candidate for an emergency contact for middle of the night phone calls. This particular night though, I actually heard my phone. My daughter, Lexi, was staying the night at a friends house and it was around midnight when my phone rang. I answered, half asleep but still coherent, and Lexi is crying saying her friends mom wants to talk to me. The mother gets on the phone and tells me Lexi has been shot in the leg with a pellet rifle. Her husband and son were looking for the boys that did it. I said I'm on my way.

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The Town Leper- My CASA Experience

My time line is going to go backwards. Most people will tell a story from the beginning. I like to know the end to find out how it all got there. I won't call out names or throw anyone under the bus. So names that are given at times are made up names for my real life events.

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Becoming a Notary-Indiana

I Love Being A Notary Public. I Get Asked All The Time Though, How Do You Become A Notary? Do You Enjoy Going To Peoples Houses To Close Loans? Does It Pay Very Well? So I Am Going To Tell You My Experiences, Thoughts And Advise. There Are Many Other Ways I’m Sure To Do Things But This Is My Experience On What I Did To Do What I Do.

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